
Guide to the design, installation, testing and maintenance of services supplying water for domestic use within buildings and their curtilages.

Complementary guidance to BS EN 806 BS 8558:2015 was developed to provide complementary guidance to the BS EN 806 suite of standards.

Together, these documents provide best practice for the design, installation, alteration, testing, operation and maintenance of hot and cold water services for domestic use in buildings.

This standard is for anyone involved in the design, installation, testing, operation and maintenance of services, including water companies, product manufacturers and installers of water supply services in the UK.This standard provides UK guidelines for the water supply services industry on all aspects of sampling and monitoring of hot and cold water services.

It also gives guidance on underground pipework within the curtilage of a building.Since the revision in 2015, the standard now provides more coverage of the control of Legionella, with references to PD 855468:2015 and to the HSE’s ACoP L8 and HSG274 Part 2. In addition, recommendations for flushing and disinfection have been revised to link more closely with the revised HSE ACoP L8 and HSG274 Part 2.

EMS Water Swimming Pool Picture
EMS Water London Picture
EMS Water Legionella Picture
EMS Water Shower Picture
EMS Water Town Picture
EMS Water Water Management Picture